Kicking It With KIC! - Kyle

 After a few years exploring the ins and outs (and what-have-yous) of beer making, Kyle has started enjoying another passion career based on one of humanity’s greatest achievements. Although new to the industry when he came to us, Kyle is knowledgeable from years of personal cannabis research and experience. He is always eager to learn more information to share with patients and chat about the local beer scene. Chug along to see what led him here. 


1) What sparked your interest in this industry? 

Probably goes back to a doobie sparked at a Lynyrd Skynyrd/Blue Oyster Cult show many years ago... Since then I have been a longtime supporter and endorser of cannabis use. I honestly think it’s a wonder plant that humans are meant to interact with. There are so many therapeutic qualities and the best may yet to be discovered. After only being a PA patient for a few months, I saw so many people from all walks of life in the dispensaries getting help they weren’t getting anywhere else and I really wanted to be a part of that as soon as I could. 


2) What is the most rewarding part of your job? 

Everything. No, but seriously, I feel incredibly lucky to be here, to be actually doing all of this and way sooner than I thought. I finally have a use for all that I’ve learned about cannabis over the years. The best part is when I know I’ve helped someone learn something new about their medicine. I love explaining the little details to people when I get the chance and seeing them happy to be more familiar and confident with their medicine is very rewarding.  


3) What does Delta 9 PA mean to you? 

Delta 9 PA means a different perspective and a better connection for patients. At some other places, they can tend to treat people like regular customers and they just try to sell them products. Here, we have a patient-centered approach and we only dispense their desired medicine. I feel like we all truly care about making sure people get exactly what they’re looking for and if they don’t know what that is, then we’ll help them find it.  


4) As a PA MMJ patient, what are your favorite strains and forms? Why? 

My current favorite strains are gLeaf's Chronald for a well-rounded morning boost, GTI's Power Kush for that classic, “stoner-movie” euphoria and good vibes, and finally, Cresco's Bio Jesus for the best muscle relaxation and sleep. I really enjoy a wide variety of forms. I think diamonds and beach sand are some crazy, awesome future-weed for the high tolerance folks out there, but the concentrates using live resin with the highest terpene levels are always the top of my list — can’t beat that flavor. Flower will always be special though, and something about breaking open a big nug and sticking your nose in it is the best.  


5) If you could create your own strain, what would it be? 

In my mad scientist lab, I would genetically combine cannabis with the glass gem corn that changes colors in each kernel. Hopefully in doing so I would be able to get a beautiful, dank monster bud with multiple distinct smells and vibrant colors. I’d like to call it Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster and hope it has similar lemony, gold-brick-to-the-brain effects. (Don’t panic!) 


6) What do you hope to see in the industry as it progresses in Pennsylvania? 

Grow. Your. Own. 

Furthermore, lower costs, less waste in general, and simply allowing patients to see products before purchase and verify what they are paying for on the spot. Prices here are currently much higher than other medical states and I’d love to see everything packaged in 100% sustainable materials. In the long run I’d like to see most disposables done away with in favor of freedom of use, better dosing research and education for patients, better quality long-term use personal equipment, and allowing dispensing from bulk containers with the ability to transfer product to reusable, easy to open containers. 


7) Is there more you'd like to learn about cannabis? 

That’s definitely a big part of why I’m here. I love the fact that I’m still learning more and more about cannabis on a daily basis. Right now, I’d love to learn more about dosing as tolerance levels rise and how to effectively balance your doses as you medicate in the long term. It seems like everyone ends up needing more eventually, but how can we effectively combat that and help all the patients on a tight budget? 


8) What is one thing you want to help patients understand about medical marijuana or the program? 

Patients should know that even though we are knowledgeable about a lot of things, we unfortunately can’t try every product. We always give our best recommendations based on what we know we’ve tried and finding similar profiles, but in the end this is an individual process for each patient and only they can be the judge on how things feel for them. If you’re a new patient, go slow and only try what you want to try. Please listen to our advice when you first start, but absolutely take control of your medicine and don’t feel forced into anything. Ask us any questions, even the ones you feel silly asking, and feel totally comfortable before every purchase.  


9) Any other thoughts? 

Even if you’re an experienced user coming into the program, every now and then, try a strain or form you haven’t yet and see how it affects you differently. The highest percentages of any specific things do not mean they are the best. There’s so much out there and I think there is something good for almost any situation. If you haven’t found that perfect strain or form, don’t give up. HOPE LIVES HERE 

Patrick Kelly