Kicking it With KIC! - Kaveise

1) What sparked your interest in this industry? 

My own experiences on the West Coast sparked my interest. I went to college in Southern California and found that my recreational use of cannabis resulted in me being able to manage my PTSD.  


2) What is the most rewarding part of your job? 

Helping patients and reaching new patients. As a PCC, it was always rewarding to have patients love your recommendations. Cannabis is a personal experience but knowing that you helped someone achieve a goal with your recommendation is why I entered this industry in the first place. As far as marketing, I love doing events because I get to educate people about the benefits of cannabis. There are so many people who are curious, but they just haven’t taken the time to research or talk to someone about medical marijuana or they are still holding onto the stigma. The tide is turning, and I love being instrumental in that.  


3) What does Delta 9 PA mean to you? 

Delta 9 means comfort. I came to the cannabis industry from the corporate world where I never felt like I fit in because of the stigma associated with cannabis. I always felt like I couldn’t be myself.

4) As a PA MMJ patient, what are your favorite strains and forms? Why? 

My favorite form of all TIME is dry leaf. It was how I was introduced to cannabis and it is the plant in its natural form. I love breaking them down and really taking in the aroma. I love feeling the stickiness on my fingers. It’s therapeutic in a way. But I am also a fan of distillates and tinctures. I make my own edibles, so distillates come in great for that. Sour Joker and 9A95 are my favorite strains to ever hit the PA market, but I have MANY favorites.


5) If you could create your own strain, what would it be? 

If I could create my own strain it would be a cross of Sour Joker (sativa) and 9A95 (indica) called Sour 95. The experience would start out with Sour Joker effects - euphoria, focus, motivation, and energy. Then it would wind down with the effects of the 9A95 being relaxing, and bring you to a wonderful drool-inducing sleep.  


6) What do you hope to see in the industry as it progresses in Pennsylvania? 

Three things: the freedom to grow your own cannabis, the opportunity for co-ops, and more focus on cannabinoids. We should be able to grow our own, plain and simple. Co-ops will keep cannabis close to the community and more accessible to the elderly and people in lower socioeconomic statuses. Growers promised cannabinoid specific capsules and tinctures such as CBN caps for sleep and we haven’t seen them. I’d also like strain specific tinctures return. Blends are easier for GPs but strain specific tinctures worked wonders for many patients.  


7) Is there more you'd like to learn about cannabis? 

Of course! The United States is behind in research in comparison to Israel for instance so there’s a host of things we don’t know. I want to know it all.  


8) What is one thing you want to help patients understand about medical marijuana or the program? 

Cannabis is a personal experience so sometimes what other people recommend may not work for you. Listen to your body. Use strains and forms that work best for you. And always start small whether you’re a novice user or a seasoned pro. I’d like to think that I’m a pro but RSO is where I have met my match – I MUST go slow with that.  


9) Any other thoughts? 

There needs to be more diversity in the cannabis industry. I know there’s not much we can do about the population or any other external factors, but we see patients from different walks of life and there is no reason why those demographics cannot be represented in the industry.  Age, race, ability — we need to mix it up!

Patrick Kelly