Kicking It With KIC! - Brooke

1) What sparked your interest in this industry? 

I have been fascinated with holistic and integrative health for almost 8 years now. It was actually my field of study in college. Once it became medical, I was anxious to get into the industry and learn what cannabis can do. I quickly learned it is one of the most versatile herbs out there! 


2) What is the most rewarding part of your job? 

I love helping patients find products that will help their conditions and learning from them in the process! I love seeing their relief and being a part of it of that process. 


3) What does Delta 9 PA mean to you? 

Guidance. We try to answer every question and help patients fully understand what they are getting when they ask. Not everyone will spend that kind of time. 

4) As a PA MMJ patient, what are your favorite strains and forms? Why?   

I love having some good topicals on hand, like the Soothe for muscle aches. I like the fast-acting effects of cartridges too, like Hash Haze to relax in the evening, or Pineapple express for a get-up-and-go happy feeling.

5) What do you hope to see in the industry as it progresses in Pennsylvania?  

I would like to see variety in the different forms we offer, like tinctures and capsules, so that no matter what someone's preference is, we have a product for them.  


6) Is there more you'd like to learn about cannabis? 

I would love to get more into the science and the "nitty gritty" of what happens in the body with different terpenes and cannabinoids. There is so much to learn! 


7) What is one thing you want to help patients understand about medical marijuana or the program?  

Like all plants, their compounds are very complex, and how it reacts in your body is very complex. We do our best to give you descriptions on what you can expect from the product, but at the end of the day, it may feel very different to you than it did for someone else. Not only that, but it’s not all about the THC and CBD, there are so many other things going on in that plant that contributes to the benefits and what you feel. 

Patrick Kelly