DELTA 9 PA by Keystone Integrated Care

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Kicking It With KIC! - Pharmacist Edition: Ray

Ray grew up in Pittsburgh where he got his degree in chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh. After that he went to the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy where he got his doctorate in pharmacy. He started his career in medical marijuana as a pharmacist at a dispensary in Philadelphia for a year. There, he met a lot of great people and learned a great deal about the industry, but now he’s back home and now ready to share what he has learned with the patients of Pittsburgh! Read more about Ray below!

1)  What sparked your interest in this industry? 

I have been interested in the therapeutic properties of THC since early experimentation with the product helped me get through some of my worst days of anxiety and depression. Since then we have come a long way in terms of understanding about the medical benefits of not only cannabinoids like THC and CBD but also terpenes like myrcene and caryophyllene. 


2)  What is the most rewarding part of your job? 

The most rewarding part of my job is when I get to follow up with a patient, and they are seeing huge improvements in their symptoms that they were not able to get under control through traditional medicine.  

3)  What does Delta 9 PA mean to you? 

Delta 9 PA is a dispensary that really does care about the patients and it places an unwavering emphasis on the “medical” component of being medical marijuana dispensary. 


4)  As a PA MMJ patient, what are your favorite strains and forms? Why? 

My favorite strain is golden goat. I tend to prefer sativa strains and sativa-leaning hybrid strains to begin with; golden goat is a strain that gives me clarity and improves my focus like other sativas while making me feel at ease. 


5)  If you could create your own strain, what would it be? 

I would like to have a strain with the high THC content and energizing qualities of Prime’s African Thai as well as the anxiolytic effects of a more down-the-middle hybrid such as GTI’s moonrise. So, let’s call it African Moon… or African Rise.  


6)  What do you hope to see in the industry as it progresses in Pennsylvania? 

It has been encouraging to see how growers have paid close attention to terpene profiles in order to improve medical benefits of cannabis, but I would like to see more done with the non-THC cannabinoids such as CBD, CBN, and CBG in flower. Also, these cannabinoids should already be able to be incorporated into concentrates, so I hope to see this in action in the near future. 


7)  Is there more you'd like to learn about cannabis? 

Icertainly would like to learn more about the potential benefits for neurological conditions such as autism, Alzheimer’s Disease, and epilepsy to name a few. It seems like there are many untapped capabilities of cannabis to supplement other medications in improving symptoms and quality of life for patients with these conditions.  


8)  What is one thing you want to help patients understand about medical marijuana or the program? 

Medical Marijuana has a tremendously wide range of effects and like any medication, it is not going to necessarily be a silver bullet for any condition. However, it can be thought of as a safe and effective alternative or supplement to other medications for many conditions. It is important that if a patient does not see great benefit from one product, that they are not discouraged, and continue to try something with a different cannabinoid or terpene profile. 


9)  Any other thoughts? 

My goal as a team member of Delta 9 PA is to help patients realize the potential for cannabis to improve symptoms of conditions and/or side effects of medications the patient may already by taking. It has an excellent place in therapy for many people out there, and I see my role as a messenger of that information to my patients.