DELTA 9 PA by Keystone Integrated Care

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Kicking It With KIC! - Pharmacist Edition: Natalie

1) What sparked your interest in this industry? 

In a previous pharmacy job, I was working with patients all over the country via telephone. When gathering a medication list from a patient in Minnesota where medical marijuana is legal, she told me she was using at least 7 different marijuana containing products. She didn’t seem upset with having to use this many products. I was intrigued, as most people seem to resent having to take traditional medications. I wanted to know more.  


2) What is the most rewarding part of your job? 

The most rewarding part of my job is when a patient tells me that they are able to complete tasks they haven’t been able to perform for years, that they have finally won the fight with insomnia or have eliminated some or all opioid pain medications from their routine.  


3) What does Delta 9 PA mean to you? 

Hope and innovation. 


4) As a PA MMJ patient, what are your favorite strains and forms? Why? 

White Widow/dry leaf – I like it because I feel as if it makes me funnier and I think that’s one of the best traits a person can have – to be able to make people laugh. 


5)  If you could create your own strain, what would it be? 

Sofa King Good (hybrid – indica) – so when people ask you what you’re vaping…your answer is both factual statement and an opinion at the same time.  


6) What do you hope to see in the industry as it progresses in Pennsylvania? 

Strain specific research 


7)  What is one thing you want to help patients understand about medical marijuana or the program? 

Medical marijuana is a helpful solution for many conditions, but it is still important to make lifestyle modifications to further improve your health and marijuana experience.